Free Video Tips
Helping Men Reclaim Their Power in the Dating Game

How to Program Your Mind to Achieve Your Goals (1 of 2) Jun 01, 2018

Video Recap:  As humans we only are CONSCIOUSLY aware of about 10% of our behaviors/thoughts each day.  Our SUBCONSCIOUS mind controls 90% of our behaviors/thoughts every day.

This can be SCARY at first thought.  

Our subconscious mind is controlling 90% of our day?!?


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Get More ENERGY and FEEL more confident by doing this... Apr 17, 2018

Video Recap:  Eating more fruits and vegetables in your diet will help you FEEL better and have more energy. 

Okay that is nothing new... I think we all know we are supposed to eat more fruits and vegetables.


By juicing, you are able to get a TON of nutrients into your diet in...

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The Book of Joy by Douglas Abrams (book review) Mar 06, 2018

Video Recap:  If you are searching for more happiness, purpose, or fulfillment in your life, The Book of Joy by Douglas Abrams will be a good read.

One of my big goals I set for myself each year is to read 100 books.

The beauty of books is that you can take the best wisdom and...

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The Woman I Like Is Way Out of My League Feb 20, 2017

We have all met that woman that makes us doubt our own confidence.  

It isn't that she does this on purpose.  

It is more that she is one of those women that is the total package.  

The kind of woman you would brag to your friends about.

The kind of woman you would actually...

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Why Jealousy Can Ruin Relationships Oct 01, 2016

A woman can understand here and there if you show a little jealousy... it shows you are human.  

BUT consistent patterns of emotional outbursts like jealousy becomes an issue long-term in the dating world.  


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The Simple Way To Lose Weight Quickly (For Men and Women) Sep 23, 2016

Why is dieting so confusing?  It really is pretty simple.  Plus you won't have to RESTRICT anything.  Yes that is right... you can eat what you want, when you want, how you want.  The Prince method of health and wellness is the same as the Prince method of dating... HAVE FUN...

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Confidence Means Letting Go of Expectations Sep 10, 2016


It's a word we all hear.  

It is something that everyone would like more of.  

But how do we go about becoming 'confident'?

This post will help you see why 'letting go' will actually help you connect more with other people.  

You'll get both a tip for 'letting...

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How to Get More Dates With Women Aug 18, 2016

Getting more dates will come naturally as you start getting better at interacting with women.  It is not just by luck or by chance, dating is a skill.  

The good part is that because it is a skill, it can be learned.  

Whether you want to get more dates with women to...

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How to Appear Confident to Women Jun 17, 2016

Confident men in today’s world are treated like kings.  The question now becomes, how do you become a confident man?  This post will show you one of the most underrated traits of a confident man: the ability to make decisions.  

This great truth is even more effective in the...

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Fear of Rejection is Hurting Your Confidence Jun 06, 2016

Rejection happens to us all at some point in our lives.  How we respond to rejection is what separates a man from a boy.  To lose your fear of rejection, it helps to take a new viewpoint on what 'rejection' really is.  

Rejection will either put fear into your dating life, or...

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