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Helping Men Reclaim Their Power in the Dating Game

Why You Never Discuss 'The Redpill' with Women (Podcast Ep 37) Jul 26, 2024

In episode 37 we talk about why you should not discuss The Redpill with women (or 'redpill' concepts)

In this podcast Czar and Adam talk through a topic that member's in our Player's Community were debating about.  Should you bring up and discuss 'redpill'...

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Use Women's Games Back on Them Jan 23, 2024

We all know that in the dating game today, you need to play 'games' of some sort to keep a woman interested and engaged in getting to know you. Women are great at using 'games' to get men more interested and invested in her, so in todays video i'm going to expose those games and show you how you...

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What Do Women ACTUALLY Bring to The Table? Jan 16, 2024

A common question among men and women today in the dating market is "what do you bring to the table?" And interestingly enough, a common answer women give when asked that question is "I AM the table".

So let's explore how this mentality can actually manipulate the relationship and the other...

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Why MOST Men Get Flaked on by Women Jan 09, 2024

Have you ever been flaked out on by a woman? Us men are told we need to pursue and chase women. That is the OLD SCHOOL way of doing things, that no longer works in todays dating climate.

Instead, do THIS as a man...

To learn all the ins and outs of GAME in all situations with women, join the VIP...

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Manipulation Games 101 : Say LESS than You Think Jan 02, 2024

Let's talk about manipulation games.

This video will help you learn how to know if a woman is manipulating you. We are taking a passage from the book The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene and breaking down how women use these 'power moves' on men in the dating scene. This video is focusing on...

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Women Try Sleeping with Men from A to Z? Dec 30, 2023

This video shows a tiktok challenge of women trying to sleep with men from each letter of the alphabet - A to Z. Then we break into part 2 of her fake and phony confidence where we explore why women riding the 'CC' (cock carousel) are full of FAKE confidence - it isn't built on any foundation.


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STOP Chasing After Women Dec 26, 2023

Too many men are making things too easy for women when it comes to dating and relationships.

Social media, mainstream media, old Disney movies all teach us men that we are supposed to make it easy. We are supposed to communicate our feelings to her. BLAH BLAH BLAH that is garbage advice, this is...

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A Friendly Warning to the 'Passport Bros' Dec 18, 2023

This is a friendly warning to the passport bros out there.

The idea in principle is great, just be very cautious about the societal and cultural norms you are surrounded by. If you bring her back to a western country, don't be surprised if she adopts the western cultures ideas about...

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You Gotta See this WOKE Miller Lite ad... Dec 12, 2023

Everyone has heard of the recent Bud Light marketing blunder... today we are breaking down the new Miller Lite ad.

And it appears they went full woke. Maybe not to the extent of Bud Light, but it seems like a terrible marketing move nonetheless.

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Is Donald Trump an Alpha Male? Dec 08, 2023

Is Donald Trump an alpha male?  

In the age of 'toxic masculinity' and men being shamed for simply being men, it's rare to see someone fight for what they believe in.

We are breaking down multiple clips of Donald Trump to discern whether he fits the dictionary description of an alpha male.

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