Use Dating Apps to Meet Women

Helping men use dating apps to match, meet, and attract women from ANYWHERE

Online Dating Apps

-Understanding How Women Think Online
-Selecting the RIGHT Pictures for Your Profile
-How to Write an Interesting Profile Bio
-How to Effectively Message Women Online
-Dating App to Phone Number Real Text Breakdown 

Understanding How Women Think on Dating Apps

This page will help you understand the differences in how men and women think on dating apps.  

Women have unique fears when online dating - so if you as a man are 'triggering' these fears with your pictures, bio, or the way you are messaging... she will BE GONE and not give you any time of day.

This knowledge will give you a huge advantage when setting up your online dating profile over the average guy.

Click Here to Understand How Women Think Online

Selecting the RIGHT Pictures For Your Profile 

Photos are your 'first impression' a woman gets of you on dating apps. Quite simply - if your photos aren't on point, you will be looked over by the women online.

This page will help you focus on the most important photo (your profile picture) and also learn which other photos are the RIGHT ones to help get you better quality matches online.

Click Here to learn about Selecting Pictures

Writing a Very Interesting Profile Bio - (secret skill)

Your profile bio is a 'secret ingredient' to engage women on dating apps.

This page will help you understand how to write an interesting profile bio that fits your personality - while also grabbing a woman's attention by using my 'hook' and 'challenge' technique. 

Click Here to Write an Interesting Profile Bio

Effective Messaging Techniques on Dating Apps - (Advanced level)

This video uses my REAL dating app conversation to breakdown some high level advanced messaging concepts.

You will learn how you can 'control the frame' on dating apps to get a woman to chase and pursue you.

And the better you get at this, the quicker women will feel 'comfortable' with you and be ready to meet up. 

Click Here to learn Effective Messaging Techniques

From Match to Phone Number -
(REAL Text Breakdowns)

Ever wondered after you match with a woman on dating app if you have been doing things the 'right' way?  Or even what the heck the 'right' way might even  look like? 

This video will take you through a REAL dating app conversation from start to finish - from Match all the way to Phone Number.

This will show you what is possible by introducing you to all the 'shortcuts' in how to engage a woman's emotions and make her feel connected to you with just a few messages.  

Click Here for Dating App to Phone Number Breakdown

Join Player's University Community

Get 12-weeks of premium dating content, plus a coaching commmunity with 24/7 app access for help and a monthly member LIVE video coaching Q and A

Need Personalized Coaching?

Book a 1-on-1 personalized coaching session or coaching program with Adam Jordan, founder of TextingPrince to give you 100% time and attention helping you reach your goal