Helping men learn the ins-and-outs of how to create and GROW attraction with women through texting and messaging techniques
-Repair Your Texting Mistakes
-The Basic Fundamentals of Texting Women
-How to Text ANY Woman (Mirror Texting)
-Why Women Flake on Dates - and How to Prevent That
-Test Your Texting and Attraction Skills with a Free Quiz
The quickest way to improve your texting results with women INSTANTLY is to STOP making costly texting mistakes. This eBook is designed to help you Repair your 'text game' by giving you 15 common texting mistakes to avoid - or else it will KILL your attraction with women.
Download Repair Your Texting ebookIf you are new to learning about 'text game' or texting strategy, this is a good place to start. There is a series of videos that will help you nail down the basic understanding of what you want to try to accomplish with texting women in order to GROW her attraction rather than BLOW your shot.
Learn the Basic Fundamentals of TextingThis idea of Mirror Texting is essential to learn because it gives you a gauge of how to interact with EVERY woman... simply by learning to 'decode' her texting language and Mirroring it back to her. You'll see a video series breaking down this concept as well as access to a free chapter PDF download on the concept of Mirror Texting
Learn how to Mirror Text womenThis video goes into a lot of detail on how you can use a very High Risk High Reward texting method to set a date with a woman that she will NOT want to flake on. It's High Risk IF you try to rush the process... but when you do this the right way, it gives you a huge advantage in getting a woman attracted to you from the start (and she won't dream of bailing on your date)
Learn Why Women FlakeThis 12 question quiz will ask you different texting or dating scenarios of varying difficulty.
See if you can score an 80% or above
The 5 Prince-iples of Texting will get you where you want to be by setting 5 simple rules for yourself when texting, that if followed, will attract the types of responses from women that you didn't believe possible before.
Learn the 5 Principles of TextingGet 12-weeks of premium dating content, plus a coaching community with 24/7 app access for help and a monthly member LIVE video coaching Q and A
Book a 1-on-1 personalized coaching session or coaching program with Adam Jordan, founder of TextingPrince to give you 100% time and attention helping you reach your goal