Advanced Texting

Learn the 3 reasons women flake or 'bail' on dates with men, and how you can prevent that through an advanced texting method combining Mystery, Intrigue, Confidence, Leadership, and the Abundance Mindset to set dates with women that they will NOT want to miss out on.

*This entire method is broken down in more detail inĀ Texting School and/orĀ inside PrinceFlix VIP*

3 Reasons Women Flake

Press 'play' below to find out WHY women flake and WHAT to do about it


Video Summary

Part 1 = The DEFENSE of WHY she flaked on your date

0 - 1:10 - The goal of this presentation is to teach DEFENSE and OFFENSE

4:10 - 7:40  - 2 Text Message Examples of a man getting flaked on

7:45 - 10:40  - Reason #1 she flaked because she's bored of you

10:40 - 14:00  - Reason #2 she flaked because she's scared of you

14:00 - 15:45  - Reason #3 she flaked because she has a legit excuse

Part 2 = The OFFENSE of how to keep her excited to meet up with you

16:10 - 18:03  - Why this method is so crucial for attracting women today

18:05 - 23:20  - The solution is The Goldilocks Method (not too hot or too cold)

25:42 - 30:00  - Step 1: Make sure she is showing interest before asking her out

30:00 - 35:00  - Step 2: Give off the 'busy' vibe to her

35:00 - 38:40  - Step 3: Be a leader in the conversation

38:40 - 41:30  - Step 4: Gauge her current interest level (low, medium, or high)

41:30 - 45:45  - Step 5: Confirm the date then build mystery

45:45 - 52:56 - Step 6: Have an abundance mindset that radiates confidence

52:56 - 57:24 - Step 7: Confirm the date, end the conversation, and then relax 

57:24 - 1:02:03 - Why this works (it eliminates her fear and her boredom)

1:02:03 - 1:18:37 - Summary of the process, reviewing text examples of WHY she flaked

1:18:37 - End  - Start to finish how it looks when you do it right



The Goal : Stop Wasting Time and Energy Getting Flaked on by Women
0:00 - 7:40 of video above

Understanding WHY women tend to flake out on meeting up with men is crucial for your success in todays dating market.  It can typically be summed up under 3 main reasons of WHY a woman will flake or bail on meeting up with you.

*At 4:10 in the video above you can see two real text examples of when a man is playing it WRONG and gets flaked on by a woman*

Reason #1 She Flaked :
She's Bored of You

7:45 - 10:40 of video above

A woman's innate Hypergamy creates a desire in her to always want the 'best' option or the highest status man that she thinks she can comfortably attain. 

This means if you are coming on too strong by seeming more eager to text her than she is to text you, her Hypergamy knows she can 'attain' you in a sense, so she starts to look for other men to see if she can 'do better'.

Or... if you aren't able to engage her emotions into the conversation, she just finds you too 'boring' and moves on.   

Reason #2 She Flaked :
She's Scared of You

10:40 - 14:00 of video above

Women can be fearful of meeting men for a number of reasons.  The obvious one (especially if you are using dating apps to meet women) is she is worried on some level of her physical safety around new men.

The other is a fear of gaining a new 'stalker' or just a clingy guy that drains her energy. 

These are 2 fears you will need to squash for her before getting her to meet up with you.

Reason #3 She Flaked :
She Has a Good Reason She Can't

14:00 - 15:45 of video above

Although this is definitely a viable option - without a doubt this is by far the LEAST common of the 3 reasons.

Most women will find a way to keep her commitment to a man she is interested in.  But of course things come up, so she very well may have a good excuse for needing to flake.  

Just make sure IF this happens, you back off and wait for her to reach out to try re-scheduling the date.  Make her work to show she wants another chance.  


Quick Reminder - 

This entire process of how to go from start to finish asking a woman out through texting through this uniquely powerful system is taught in extreme step-by-step detail in LEVELS 8-13 of Texting School. 

The entire Texting School program is available for you to join instantly...

And it is also one of the many pieces of high-level content you will get full access to if you join the VIP membership.   

Learn About Texting School Learn About PrinceFlix VIP
Part 2 :
Arm Yourself With Offense

16:10 - 18:03 of video above

To arm yourself with offense you'll need to understand how women communicate.
Women enjoy having to 'read between the lines' or trying to figure out the men they are messaging.  

By understanding this, you can use her 'thrill' of emotions to purposely engage her interest in going on a date with you.    

The Solution :
Use the Goldilocks Method

18:05 - 23:20 of video above

Remember the story of the 3 little bears and Goldilocks?  Imagine the woman you are texting as Goldilocks.  She wants porridge that is JUST RIGHT - meaning not TOO HOT and NOT TOO COLD.     

Step 1 :
Make Sure She is Interested

25:42 - 30:00 of video above

Too many men just BLINDLY fire a shot at a woman with no strategic reason other than 'shooting their shot'.

If you want to stop being flaked on by women, make SURE you are waiting to see multiple signs that she is interested before trying to get her to meet up.

Step 2 :
Give off the 'Busy' Vibe to Women

30:00 - 35:00 of video above

Another reason a KEY principle of texting I always preach is to give off the 'busy' image to the women you are texting.

A woman needs to see that your time is in-demand and that you respect your own time, before SHE respects your time.

If you are coming off as too 'available' she will flake with no qualms because she always knows you will be around for another date when she wants one.  

Step 3 :
Be a Leader and Initiate the Date

35:00 - 38:40 of video above

After seeing multiple signs that she is interested, and after you have established a 'busy' image, now you are ready to initiate the date.

Simply use the phrase, "When are you free to get together" and let her answer reveal how interested she is in you.  

Step 4 :
Use Her Answer to Gauge Her Interest Level

38:40 - 41:30 of video above

If she answers by giving you multiple days she is free (and seems to make it 'easy' to plan a date) that is HIGH interest level.  You can proceed to Step 5.

If she answers by just giving you one option (example she says 'i'm free Tuesday') then that is MEDIUM interest level.  You can proceed to Step 5.

If she replies with a vague answer or saying she is 'really busy' that is LOW interest level.  You should BACK OFF.  Give her space for her to miss you.   

Step 5 :
Intentionally Build Mystery into Date

41:30 - 44:45 of video above

This is where it gets 'ballsy'. If a woman is showing medium or high-interest I confirm the date THEN add a little mystery.   

Remember the mystery you want to add is just something small, but its enough to add extra incentive for her to look forward to this date.

In this case I may say "Saturday works for me, but only if you can handle 2 things..."  

Step 6 :
Display an Abundance Mindset to Show Confidence

45:45 - 52:56 of video above

At this point you have to hold strong.  Women will be intrigued by being responsible for 2 things.

But IF you flop and send her another text before she responds because you are afraid of putting this 'pressure' on her - then it won't work.

This part needs to be done in pieces, don't force it all in 1 text.   

Step 7 :
Confirm the Date then 'End the Convo'

52:56 - 57:24 of video above

Once you have set this date and got a confirmation from her, try to 'end the convo' in a way that shows you are busy.

"Sounds good, i'll see ya Saturday at 8 pm.  Gotta get some work done so i'm putting my phone away for the night."

At this point - you did your job.  Assume she will show up to your date and relax.

Start to Finish :
How it Looks to Put this in Action

1:18:37 - End of video above

This part takes you through how it can look in a natural text conversation.

I have been doing this date idea for YEARS so it may not feel natural for you at first... but this method is by far the best way to get women intrigued and excited for your first date.     

Side note: this is ONLY necessary on the first date.  it doesn't need to be as complicated for the next meet-up with her.

In Conclusion :
This is Very High-Risk High-Reward

99% of men don't add ANY type of Mystery, Intrigue, or an 'Abundance Mindset' when they set a date with women.


And if you really want to do this the right away, I break this down in so much more detail inside Texting School and the VIP Membership.  Or you can book a personal coaching session to help go over this with you.  

Quick Reminder - 

This entire process of how to go from start to finish asking a woman out through texting through this uniquely powerful system is taught in extreme step-by-step detail in LEVELS 8-13 of Texting School. 

The entire Texting School program is available for you to join instantly...

And it is also one of the many pieces of high-level content you will get full access to if you join the VIP membership.   

Learn About Texting School Learn About PrinceFlix VIP

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