Free Video Tips
Helping Men Reclaim Their Power in the Dating Game

You are THE MAN (you have no competition) May 04, 2019

You reading this - stop and pat yourself on the back.

By now you have probably realized that most people around you settle for 'average' or 'mediocre' results in life.

That is exactly why you have no competition.

Video Recap:   The fact that you are watching videos like these to...

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Women Watch How you Treat Animals Apr 27, 2019

This might not be something us guys typically think about, but I had an email from a guy that went on a Tinder date and the girl never ended up wanting to go out a second time.

She claimed it was because of how he interacted with her pet. Of course that could have been an excuse for something...

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Texting Mistakes Men Make - Pleaser Pete Apr 20, 2019

If you watch this and find that you have indeed shown signs of a 'Pleaser Pete' - I feel for ya.

A Pleaser Pete is a guy that aims to please others (especially women) and although they have good intentions, they end up repelling women.

Video Recap:  If you find yourself having...

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Strategies to DM a Girl You Like Mar 23, 2019

I'll just be straight up with you here... it is REALLY DIFFICULT to blindly attract a woman through DMs on any type of social media (including Instagram).

A lot of creepy guys try so women are always on guard through their 'DMs'.

However - in this scenario - if you are in a conversation with a...

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Women Want THIS in a Man They Text... Feb 25, 2019

Video Recap:  Men and women think totally different about dating and attraction than us men do.


Men and women have fundamental differences that you should be aware of - especially when you are texting.

One of those things is that women want to slowly learn more about a guy over...

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Society Conditions Us Men to Be 'Feminine' Feb 13, 2019

 Video Recap : A majority of men today grow up with a lot of 'feminine' qualities instilled in our psyche from years of social conditioning.

Think about it... if you were raised by a single mother, or your mother was the 'strong' figure in your home, or even if you grew up with a lot...

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When Your Convo Gets BORING (do this) Feb 06, 2019

Video Recap : If your conversations are boring, she WILL ghost you


Technology can be a blessing... or a curse.  Depending on which side of the fence you are on.


These days with everyone online dating, you no longer can get away with sending really generic or 'boring'...

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Women want a man that LEADS... (60-second tip) Jan 30, 2019


Video Recap:  Women want a LEADER in a man. However... if she doesn't feel she can trust you to be a leader, then she WON'T take you or your opinions seriously.

How can you SHOW her you can be trusted to lead?

One of those ways is to be more DECISIVE and make quick, confident...

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How would you respond to her text message? (60 second quiz) Jan 23, 2019

 Video Recap:  Read her text message and comment below with what you think would be a good text to reply to her with here.

The thing I always think about when texting is that EVERY TEXT SHOULD HAVE A PURPOSE...

Knowing that, what would be a good way to efficiently respond to this text?...

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Are You Struggling With the Abundance Mindset?? Jan 16, 2019

Video Recap : When you have this 'abundance mindset' as a man, you can truly be yourself because you truly understand that there are plenty of 'fish in the sea' 

One of the most important skills to learn as a man is to see the world through the 'Abundance Mindset'. This will help you stay...

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