Dating App Bio

Your profile bio is a 'secret ingredient' to engage women on dating apps.

This page will help you write an interesting profile bio by adding a fun, playful 'challenge' or 'test' in your profile -

This makes it easy for a woman to either message you first or keep a conversation going with you if there is a 'dead' point in your conversations.

*This entire dating apps strategy system is broken down in complete detail inside Swipe Right : Dominate Dating Apps and inside PrinceFlix VIP*

Writing a Challenge or 'Test' in Your Profile

Press 'play' below to learn a powerful new technique you can add to your profile


Video Lesson Recap

One of the best ways to stand out as a man online is to set your profile bio up with at least 1 ‘challenge’ or ‘test’ that you put women through.

The idea is that if you can use something in your profile that will get a reaction out of a woman, it is a good thing to get you to stand out.

You don’t want to make her ANGRY or scared - so the idea isn’t to do something creepy to get a reaction like talking really dirty or foul mouthed in your bio…

Instead you want to put an opinion out there, and use it as ‘bait’ to get certain women to reach out to you and message you first because she is intrigued by your profile.


“If you don’t like Disney movies, Swipe LEFT” 

(That will make women that love Disney message me, or women that hate Disney message me trying to tease me)

*I break down all of the rest of the MUST HAVES of your profile bio in the VIP Membership*


The Goal : 
Use Your Profile Bio to 'Bait' Women

When you use this opportunity in the right way, women are now able to reach out and message you first because you can 'hook' them into your profile.

Another advantage is anytime your conversation starts to 'fade out' or get boring online, this helps give a woman an easy way to re-ignite a fun conversation by reading your bio and 'playing along'.  

Challenge or 'Test' Her :
Find a Topic that Most Women Can Play Along To

To make it easy, if you can think of a light-hearted topic that MOST women in your area will either LIKE or DISLIKE - that's a good start.

For example - in the state I live in (Washington state) there are two big main college football teams.  The WSU Cougars and the UW Huskies.

A 'small' challenge is me simply putting something like 'Go Cougs' in my bio OR 'Boo Huskies'.  

Challenge or 'Test' Her :
This is a Skill You can Continually Grow

Over the years I have used these strategies to implement MULTIPLE challenges or tests in my profile.

That is when it gets really fun because a woman has so many opportunities to get 'playfully triggered' or something she can 'bond with me' over.

I recommend you start with a small, simply challenge or test and as you get more comfortable you can try new ones.  


Profile Bio Challenge :
It Can be as Simple or Complex as you Want

This example shows when I had a challenge in my profile about my two favorites teams... the Minnesota Vikings and Washington State Cougars.

Because I live in Washington state... me being a 'Vikings' fan is a great challenge to set up - since most women here are Seattle Seahawks fans.

In Washington state... you are usually a fan of the UW Huskies (aka the Dawgs) or the WSU Cougars (aka the Cougs).  It's a simple way to get a 'rise' out of women.  

Profile Bio Example :
Give Her an Easy way to Reach Out

Here is an example of a different 'challenge' I put in my bio.  This was definitely not my 'best' challenge I've created, but I am constantly experimenting until I find one that works REALLY well for my specific profile and pictures.  

The idea in this is my pictures told a story of me being a 'playful' guy.  Because of that, this glass slipper challenge aligns with my profile.  

Women get the idea that I am playing off of the classic 'Cinderella slipper' and gives her a chance to reach out.  

Profile Bio Example :
Start Your Convo Off in a FRESH Way

Another beauty of adding a challenge or test to your profile is you instantly start off with a UNIQUE messaging conversation that she doesn't get with other men on the app.

Do you think this Felicia girl has ever started an online conversation with this same message?  NOPE.  That's key.  

Women Playing into This 'Challenge' -
This is Key to Getting Women to Chase You

Most men have NO experience with a woman 'chasing after' him on dating apps.

After months of experimenting I found a MONEY MAKER challenge that got me insanely great results.

I break this challenge down in the full Swipe Right course (also included in PrinceFlix VIP)

This challenge got women to start out messaging me with a poem - and I was also able to weave other things in like the whole 'Cougs vs Huskies' challenge that works in my home state (Washington)

Women Playing into This 'Challenge' -
She Starts Working for your Approval

When you do this the RIGHT WAY - you eliminate so much competition because a woman sees you in a completely different way than 95% of the men she matches with.

She is working for my approval.  She wants me to give her an 'A' grade on her poem.  

Think about how most conversations on dating apps go... the MAN is the one working for the woman's 'approval'.

That is not how I run my life.  And that is why women are so intrigued by my profile on dating apps.  

Women Playing into This 'Challenge' -
She Can Also 'Defy' You and Flirt

Like I've mentioned, the beauty if you get an emotional reaction from women.  Either she plays along and is now working for my approval.

OR... she REBELS and tries to defy my 'challenge' in which case we still have a fun flirty convo.

It's such a WIN/WIN when you know how to create these 'hooks' in your profile and have great pictures selected to go along with them.  

Women Playing into This 'Challenge' -
She Can Also 'Defy' You and Flirt

You have no clue how powerful this can be as you get more practice with it.

Women can start in 'opposing' me - and I can easily turn it right back on them with my first message to get her to stop defying and start complying with me.  


Ready to experience success online?

Most men fail with dating apps... don't be one of them


Swipe Right Course Overview

All included inside Princeflix VIP membership

Module 1: All About Your Pictures

Lesson 1: Introduction to Your Pictures
Lesson 2: Why Your Pictures are So Important
Lesson 3: How Many Pictures Should You Use?
Lesson 4: Being The Star of a Group Photo
Lesson 5: Types of Pictures to Use
Lesson 6: Profile Pictures Ideas
Lesson 7: Profile Picture Recap/Group Picture Exception

Module 2: Your Secret Weapon to Writing a Bio That ATTRACTS

Lesson 8: Introduction to Writing a Bio
Lesson 9: Why Your Bio is So Important
Lesson 10: Job Description/Occupation
Lesson 11: Education and School to Include
Lesson 12: Making Your Profile UNIQUE to YOU
Lesson 13: Get Women to Connect or Tease
Lesson 14: Profile Challenge/Test Assignment
Lesson 15: The Power of a Challenge
Lesson 16: Other Things to Add

Module 3: Messaging/Connecting With Women Online

Lesson 17: Introduction to Messaging Women Online
Lesson 18: You NEED to Standout From Others
Lesson 19: Putting Yourself in Her Shoes
Lesson 20: Being Generic Gets You Compared
Lesson 21: Long Winded Screams Low Confidence
Lesson 22: Sending the First Message
Lesson 23: First Message Lines You Can Use
Lesson 24: How to Use Her Pictures to Message Her and Relate
Lesson 25: Using Her Bio to Message Her
Lesson 26: Getting Out of a Rutt in Conversations
Lesson 27: Summary of Messaging Prince-iples



Swipe Right: Online Dating Course

Less than 3% of men have unlocked their Online Dating potential.  

Learn everything you'll need to build a profile that creates MORE matches with HIGHER QUALITY women.

And... Learn to message and ATTRACT HER.

What You'll Get:

  • 4 Videos teaching you the Online Dating Basics
  • 27 audio lessons included + PDFs
  • 4 Online Dating Opener Strategy Videos
    (using REAL text conversations)
  • 6 BONUS videos 'Bait Her Through Text Video Series',  'Messaging Mistakes Men Make', and MORE
  • BONUS ebook : 10 Online Openers to Learn From
  • Access instantly on all digital devices
    (phone, computer, tablet, etc)

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*This complete course and bonuses are also available instantly when you join PrinceFlix VIP*

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