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Full Armor of Game

5-Week Coaching Package for Men to Maximize Your Self-Confidence and WIN with Women
Led by Dating Coaches Czar from CzarOfDating and Adam from TextingPrince

Next Seminar Starts in November 2024 (dates announced soon)


Blueprint On How To TURN-ON ANY WOMAN and Make Her YOURS

What to say – What to do – How to do it

Read more


Real transformation takes time, but you’re not in this alone. Take a guided journey that includes lifetime access to premium dating content and courses + 5 Weeks of LIVE Coaching with Adam and Czar... Co-Hosts of The Full Armor of Game podcast for men

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Learn more about price and products included

Apply to Join the Next 5-Week LIVE Coaching Seminar 
(Applicants will have first priority when next Seminar is announced)

Every seminar is capped at 10 people or LESS so that you can get plenty of personal time and attention from Czar and Adam to get all your questions answered.

*All participants get lifetime access to Czar and Adam's top dating courses/ebooks/programs

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Who is this package for?

  • Do You Struggle With Getting And Keeping The Girl You Want?

  • Do You Know What To Say When Meeting A Girl?

  • Is Your Attitude Attracting Women?

  • Do You Waste Time And Money On Dates With No Second Date?

  • Ever Hear “Just Be Yourself” From Women?

  • Do You Understand What Turns A Girl On?

  • Would You Like A Woman To Treat You Like A King?

  • Has A Woman Ever Said, “I Think We Should Just Be Friends?" 


Now you can learn how to get a woman chasing you, happily submitting to you, and treating you like an absolute KING!

In just 5 Weeks or LESS!

(if you are a learner and apply yourself)



You could be next...

Sick of overthinking and underperforming with women?  Get clarity, confidence, and COMPETENCE in today's dating world



5-Week Seminar Content

  • Week 1 : What IS Attraction vs What is NOT Attraction with Women
    *Full Live Q and A coaching session after

  • Week 2 : How and Where to Meet Beautiful Women (Approaching, Dating Apps, Social Groups)
    *Full Live Q and A coaching session after

  •  Week 3 : The First Date with Women
    (How to Ask Her Out, First Date Tips, Body Language, Conversations)

    *Full Live Q and A coaching session after

  •  Week 4 : Kissing and Moving Things Forward Sexually
     (The first kiss, getting her turned on, foreplay)

    *Full Live Q and A coaching session after

  •  Week 5 : Advanced Psychology to Get Women Hooked on You
    (Getting women to submit to you, Shaping your relationship, Get her invested, Use 'anchors' to make her think of you when you're not around)

    *Full Live Q and A coaching session after

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Learn More about Pricing and Products Included

Get 5-Weeks of Live Coaching with Czar and Adam... Co-Hosts of The Full Armor of Game Podcast for Men

(And full access to their top courses and products on meeting, attracting, and seducing women)

Czar Danya

Co-Host and Dating Coach for Men

Czar has been practicing 'game' for over 15 years.  He spent years learning the art of attraction and the psychology of male-female connection. 

This has now become his life’s work to help you become the man all women adore and all men respect.

He specializes in being bold and assertive with women and teaching men how to unlock their inner masculinity.

Adam Jordan

Co-Host and Dating Coach for Men

Adam has been practicing 'game' for over 17 years... and using his expertise to help teach thousands of men over the past 8 years how to confidently meet, attract, and date beautiful women.

He specializes in dating apps, text messaging, and how to strategically GROW your attraction with women slowly over time.


Apply to Join the Next 5-Week LIVE Coaching Seminar 
(Applicants will have first priority when next Seminar is announced)

Every seminar is capped at 10 people or LESS so that you can get plenty of personal time and attention from Czar and Adam to get all your questions answered.

*All participants get lifetime access to Czar and Adam's top dating courses/ebooks/programs

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What is it costing you to NOT take action?

  • How much are first dates costing you?
  • How many potential girls can’t see you as a lover?
  • How many of your evenings are spent alone because girls don’t feel attraction for you?
  • How many girls are passing you up?
  • How much time and energy have you wasted on women only to be blown off?

A lack of 'Game' is costing you BIG TIME.


Isn't it time to treat yourself by investing in... YOURSELF?


Now is your chance

Here is a recap of EVERYTHING included in this Special Offer 

Of course you get 5 weekly sessions of a LIVE Seminar plus Q and A put on by Czar and Adam... but that is just the start.

Every premium ebook and course below is INCLUDED for free in this coaching package so you can be confident you will have all the tools available to you to MEET, ATTRACT, SEDUCE, and DATE beautiful women in your life.

The 5 Principles of Texting Women ebook 

($47 value - included FREE)

The 5 Prince-iples of Texting will get you where you want to be by setting 5 simple rules for yourself when texting, that if followed, will attract the types of responses from women that you didn't believe possible before.

Principle 1 : Fire and Forget
Principle 2 : Mirror Texting
Principle 3 : Poker Player Texting
Principle 4 : Autopilot Texting
Principle 5 : Opportunity Texting

Texting School : Advanced Level Texting Strategy Video Course

($397 value - included FREE) 

Give me 6 days and I'll show you how to CREATE attraction with women with just your fingertips.  

  • Ever wondered WHAT to text a woman to get her more responsive and engaged in your conversations?
  • Ever wondered WHEN you should be texting and responding to a woman you are interested in?  
  • Ever wondered HOW to avoid getting flaked on or placed in the dreaded friend zone?  

Texting School answers all those questions and more.

Swipe Right: Dominate Dating Apps Full Course

($297 value - included FREE)

The #1 program to help men effectively meet and attract beautiful women online in 2024.  Learn how to:

  • Learn all of the top types of pictures you should be displaying on your profile for maximum attention from women
  • Learn the 'secret weapon' of writing a great online dating profile.  This will teach you my best methods including putting a 'challenge' or 'test' in your profile bio
  • Learn the top dating app messaging strategies to keep your conversations engaging and exciting

First Date Mastery : No More Awkward Dates

($197 value - included FREE)

The #1 program to help men make a great first impression on a date and leave women begging to see you again. 

Learn how to:

  • Learn to read a woman's body language and pickup ALL the signals she is sending you - her body will reveal how she truly feels about you
  • Eliminate those 'awkward silences' on dates.  You know... those ones that make you both feel like there is ZERO connection between you 
  • Master the 80/20 rule of conversations and learn how to keep a conversation interesting and engaging by getting HER to talk most of the date to keep your conversations engaging and exciting

Attraction: The Beautiful Language Of Women ebook + 3 Hours of Advanced Video Content

($198 value - included FREE)

Did you know that what a woman says and what a woman does are two totally different things? Women say they want one thing, but respond to something completely opposite.

In order to understand what a woman responds to sexually, you have to learn what their sexual triggers are. You will learn the hidden secrets on how to decode the beautiful language of women in order to engage with them emotionally.

This is the Holy Grail when it comes to attracting any woman you desire. Women want a man who “just gets it” and after learning these secrets, you’ll become the ladies’ man women only fantasize about being with.

Relationships : The Alpha Way ebook

($98 value - included FREE)

How do you keep a relationship burning like a blazing inferno? Once you learn the foundation of attracting women, you will now need to learn how to KEEP them. The only thing that matters to her is how she feels about you. 

If you stop doing the things that attracted her, then her feelings for you are going to drop. This is the ONLY relationship E-book you’ll ever need in order to have her yearning for your masculine presence, whilst never yearning to leave you for another man. 

If you NEVER want to lose that high quality woman ever again, this is the E-book for you. You will always remain the PRIZE in your her eyes.

12-Week Masculine Workout Program ebook

($62 value - included FREE)

Did you know women are highly attracted to men who have the perfect shoulder to waist ratio?

How would you like to have women drooling over your body the second you walk into a room?

How would you like a physique that demands respect from other men? This workout program is exactly what you’ll need. If you don’t see results within 3 months, you’ll get your money back guaranteed!

That’s how confident I am that you will achieve that dominant looking body women get wet over.

That makes over $1,296 of value in just the courses/ebooks alone included for FREE 

PLUS 5 weekly seminar topics with live coaching sessions with Czar and Adam to help you deeply understand the mindset and techniques it takes to meet, attract, and date beautiful women in 2024...

All for just $999
(Payment plans available) 

Use coupon code: PODCAST for $200 off if you are a podcast listener

Apply to Join the Next 5-Week LIVE Coaching Seminar 
(Applicants will have first priority when next Seminar is announced)

Every seminar is capped at 10 people or LESS so that you can get plenty of personal time and attention from Czar and Adam to get all your questions answered.

*All participants get lifetime access to Czar and Adam's top dating courses/ebooks/programs

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Apply to Join Next Coaching Program

Apply to Join the Next 5-Week LIVE Coaching Seminar 
(Applicants will have first priority when next Seminar is announced)

Every seminar is capped at 10 people or LESS so that you can get plenty of personal time and attention from Czar and Adam to get all your questions answered.

*All participants get lifetime access to Czar and Adam's top dating courses/ebooks/programs

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Apply to Join Next Coaching Program