The WALL has Taken Demi Lovato


The Wall has taken Demi Lovato - and in this video she will reveal she is over dating humans and ready to date ghosts, aliens, and ETs. Gotta love it.

What is The Wall?

The Wall is a period of time (usually around 30 years old) where a woman starts to realize her 'best years' are coming to an end.  This is where she starts noticing less guys 'checking her out' and less of the type of guys she is attracted to are giving her attention.

Why is this important?

Because at this stage a woman is much more likely to almost 'pretend' to like you so that she can secure some type of commitment for herself.

Any guy that tries to WIFE this woman up will be met with a big letdown because she will continually THINK she deserves better and is just 'settling' down with whatever man she could get.

This will really throw off the power dynamics and create a potential future 'dead bedroom' where she isn't actually attracted to the guy she is dating or married.

What is the solution?

You must learn how to naturally attract women.  A woman must feel that the man she is interested in is 'higher value' than her for her to really look upto and respect you.  

The only way to do that is to DEEPLY understand male and female psychology and how to PLAY THE GAME the right way.

Lucky for you... I teach it ALL from the ground up in my VIP membership.

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