3 Lessons From Steven Crowder's Divorce


The Steven Crowder divorce has been blowing up recently. This video will talk about 3 lessons to learn from Steven Crowder's #divorce so that we don't make the same mistake.  And as a quick side note I personally do NOT believe that men should get married these days due to the warped and messed up court system (family and divorce court) that puts men in a really unfavorable position.  

Lesson 1: Status/Height/Wealth do not make you immune to divorce.

A lot of redpill talking points focus on men improving their status and wealth which will naturally attract women.  Well... Steven Crowder is a tall guy (over 6 foot), extremely wealthy, and has a ton of social status as a conservative influencer.  Did that prevent divorce?  NOPE.  

Lesson 2: Religion Will Not Save You

Although I agree that religious women most definitely have a better shot of staying married, it does not make your marriage immune to divorce.  30-50 years ago there was so much social shaming that went on when a man and a woman got divorced.  This was huge in religions - which made a great deterrent to getting divorced.  However, those days are LONGGG gone.  There is no social shaming for divorcees, so even a highly religious woman does not mean she will stick around in todays day and age.

Lesson 3: Family and Divorce Courts are Biased Against Men

When you go into court as a man, just know that you will be looked at as the 'bad guy' and she will be looked at as the 'victim'.  If you don't believe me go ask a few of your divorced guy friends.  It's brutal.  So because of this, it is really important for ALL men to really research the legal system if you have any desire to get married.  Failure to plan = planning to fail.  Be ready and aware now so you aren't hit with any surprises.  


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