In CASE There's Anything I Missed, Here are Some Commonly Asked Questions...

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*For Life*

Now you will have all the tools at your fingertips to Meet, Attract, Seduce, and Date Beautiful Women

Choose from over 429 pieces of premium top-level dating and attraction strategies inside

*Just log-in and find the category you want advice on, and BOOM it's ready for you to watch and put into practice*



Email me at [email protected] if you need a payment plan option available

VIP Member, Age 47

"I would really appreciate the opportunity to see some of your online dating profiles."

When you join VIP you get direct access to ME (Adam Jordan) and I am here to help.

After this comment I went in and uploaded 3 different online dating profiles i've used with my pictures and profile bio so you can get even MORE examples of how to meet and attract women online.

You'll find these in VIP under the 'Meet Her' category in the LEVEL 4 and LEVEL 5 PDF

“How do you open a conversation on dating apps like Tinder?”

Great question.  PrinceFlix VIP is a continuously growing MEGA program with everything you can think of.

After seeing this comment I uploaded 4 different videos of 4 different 'openers' you can use on dating apps.

And of course, I also show you how a woman responds with our REAL text conversations so you can see how it all plays out and how you can use these openers in your own conversations.

You'll find these opener videos under the 'Meet Her' category in LEVEL 5 titled 'REAL Text Online Openers you can Use'

Oh and if that wasn't enough, I also created an 'opener' ebook where I took screenshots of 20 different opening lines women have sent me on dating apps and I break down which ones are good vs bad so you can steal those lines and use them. 

VIP Member, Age 23

“What's your take on maintaining eye contact with a woman?”

Inside PrinceFlix VIP there is a section on 'Improving Your Body Language' to help you look and feel more confident in everyday life.

My man Nelson here had gone through some videos and improved his posture - which now was getting him more looks from women.

So of course I had to go into VIP and create a new video about how to maintain eye contact with a woman in an attractive way.

You'll find these body language videos under the 'Meet Her' category in LEVEL 7 titled 'Improve Your Body Language'.

Remember in VIP you get it ALL - and if for some reason you can't find an answer you are looking for, simply send me an email, a message on instagram, or comment under any of the videos in VIP and I will be there to help ya out.  

VIP Member, Age 26

“Do you have advice for balancing multiple relationships?"

I sure do.  This commonly happens when a man takes the time to learn and implement the strategies in VIP.  

The entire 'Date Her' category in VIP will walk you through all of the in-person interactions you will have with women.

And there are even 5 videos specifically breaking down exactly how to 'date multiple women' on your terms.

You'll find these videos under the 'Date Her' category in LEVEL 11 titled 'Dating Around'

But remember, this membership will teach you a lot more than just becoming a 'player'.  You'll learn the fundamental skills to be able to MEET a woman and keep her highly attracted to you long-term.  There are plenty of videos on how to build a strong relationship where a woman always looks up to you as the 'leader'.

VIP member, Age 29

"When I get to the point I try to meet up with a girl i'm probably sounding desperate.  Any idea what to do here?”

The goal of VIP is to educate you to the point where you feel confident knowing exactly what to do in any dating or relationship situation.

I will always be here to help guide you, but you will find in just a short time you will be able to start answering the questions you had... all by yourself.

That is true power.

VIP Member, Age 51


When you join PrinceFlix VIP, you'll receive instant access to everything you need to MEET, ATTRACT, and DATE beautiful women...


  • The 10 Essential Training Modules to meet beautiful women ANYWHERE you go!
  • The 13 Essential Texting Modules to use your cell phone to GROW ATTRACTION with any woman you meet! 
  • The 12 Essential Dating Modules to keep women HOOKED on you in-person! 
  • Templates, Exercises & Examples for every dating situation for rejection-proof 'Game'
  • 3 Full Length eBooks & Execution Guides for messaging, opening women, & getting her excited to go on a date with you!
  • My complete Texting School, Swipe Right, Set a Perfect Date Through Text, and First Date Mastery programs so you have a plan no matter what a woman throws at you.
  • Plug and Play Text Message Templates you can send to instantly spark curiosity in women
  • Examples of My Personal Text Message Conversations to help you craft your own NATURAL GAME.
  • PLUS Over 97 Exclusive VIP Advanced Videos guaranteed to make a woman miss you and want to see you again.

And much, much more!

This makes everything you get well over $3,000 in value! ($3,479 to be exact!) And you can get it all for just $497 today!

Just $497 for instant access!

*For Life*

Now you will have all the tools at your fingertips to Meet, Attract, Seduce, and Date Beautiful Women

Choose from over 429 pieces of premium top-level dating and attraction strategies inside

*Just log-in and find the category you want advice on, and BOOM it's ready for you to watch and put into practice*



Email me at [email protected] if you need a payment plan option available