Free Video Tips
Helping Men Reclaim Their Power in the Dating Game

How Disney Movies Create BETAmon Men Jun 26, 2020

 Video Recap : Movies and TV usually SHAPE really bad habits into our young men that makes us grow up to be more of a 'beta' type man vs an 'alpha' man

How is it that SO MANY men these days seem like complete betas or simps?

The answer is pretty easy. Huge corporations and media have...

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'Relationship Equity' is a MYTH Jun 23, 2020

Video Recap : The MORE you do for a woman, the MORE she expects from you in the future.  Whatever you did in the past will not count in the future in her mind 


One of the most backwards things about modern relationships and modern dating is how the MORE effort you put into the...

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How to Ask a Girl Out (text examples) Jun 20, 2020

 Video Recap : Here is a START to FINISH example of how I go from meeting a woman to asking her out in the best possible way to increase your success 


This is the last part of the series where I take you from start to finish showing you a quick example of how I ask girls out.


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Why Did She BAIL on Him? (2 Examples) Jun 17, 2020

 Video Recap : Your entire text thread will paint a picture of what type of a man you are... so if you are sending 'needy' clues in your texting, she WILL pick up on them and bail on you


These days it seems really common for a woman to 'flake' or 'bail' on a date with a guy.


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Playing it Cool Around Women (text examples) Jun 14, 2020

 Video Recap : The important MAIN FOCUS is that you are always playing it cool and not panicking or rushing to try to set up a date with her


The last 'step' to setting a date is to confirm the date, relax, and PLAY IT COOL.

This is where you just have to trust it is all going to...

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Keeping Women Curious (text example) Jun 11, 2020

 Video Recap : The KEY ingredient to get a woman excited to go on a date with you is to get her CURIOUS about you as a man and the date experience itself

This is the KEY step in setting up a date with a woman in todays day and age...

Yet this will probably be your first time ever hearing...

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Women Are Attracted to 'Busy' Men Jun 08, 2020

Video Recap : When you shoe her your time is in demand, she will start respect your time and want to spend more time with you


We hear time and time again that a woman wants a 'high-status' or 'high-value' man.

A big trait of being 'high-status' is that your time is in-demand.

If she...

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3 Reasons Women Flake on Men May 06, 2020

Video Recap : Women will flake out on you because she is bored of you, scared of you, or actually has a legit excuse 


The point of this video is to help you stop wasting time getting flaked on by women.

If you aren't getting obvious signs that she is interested in you, then she is...

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Are Modern Relationships DOOMED? Mar 28, 2020

 Video Recap : It is terrible 'mainstream' relationships like this that corrupt our society and cultures idea of what a 'good relationship' looks like

Women will always be women. They are going to be influenced by society and our culture and FOLLOW the trends.

Unfortunately... our society...

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How to deal with being SHAMED for being single Mar 19, 2020

 Video Recap : When you own it and are comfortable with your decision to remain a bachelor, the 'shaming' will cease to exist eventually


This video is in response to an email I got about how to deal with social and family pressure when you are a bachelor.

Although there are many tips...

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