How To Tell When A Girl Wants to Kiss You

It is normal to get nervous about kissing a beautiful woman for the first time, even if you feel like you are a confident man.

Although a small part of you may always feel a tiny bit nervous, I am going to explain some ways for you to know how to tell whether a girl wants to kiss you.

With this new knowledge, you will naturally feel more confident in these situations because you will see the signs that she is ready to be kissed, which will help reassure yourself that you are making the right move.

Let’s start with the obvious ones that you probably have heard at some point in your life – but a quick refresher is always a good reminder.  This will start with overall signs she may be interested in you, then I’ll get into specifics for a kiss.

1) Eye contact

When a man and a woman are able to establish and hold eye contact for a reasonable period of time, a better connection is being formed.  Think about how you feel when somebody asks you a question, and as you answer, they are giving you their full undivided attention… you can tell because they are giving you 100% of their eye contact.

That feels good, you feel more understood and a better connection with that person.  So… try to hold as much eye contact as you can on a date, but always give some breaks for both of you to rest your eyes (try to point out something in the environment that you can both fix your eyes on and take a break from each other’s). 

2) Laughing/Smiling

When you laugh or smile it relaxes you and makes you feel more open and light.  So ideally we want your date laughing and smiling as much as possible, since laughter is an excellent way to build comfort with a woman.  

Tip:  Notice how often she smiles at you and laughs at your jokes.  If a girl seems to laugh at every little joke you say, there’s a great chance she is interested in you.  Women are sweet in that way, and will make a man feel like the funniest man on earth by continuously laughing and smiling at his jokes (provided they are interested in you).  So if you are making jokes and there are crickets and long awkward silences, that is NOT the time to go for the kiss. 

3) “Accidental” touching

Women are famous for this cute little thing they do when they like a man by “accidentally” bumping or brushing into him.  This can also be in the form of a woman playfully punching or slapping you in the arm (usually after you just teased her).  

What to look for: Does a woman go out of her way to walk into you while standing?  Does she brush her arm into your arm when sitting?  Does she playfully punch/slap/hit you?  With women, no touch is accidental.  So start keeping your eyes peeled for anytime that she goes out of her way to physically touch you in some way.  That is a subconscious sign she is sending you to let you know that she is comfortable with touch between you two right now. 

*note* this does NOT mean start grinding on her… it just means she is welcoming subtle touching for now. 

Once you start to see some of these signals from a woman, now you can start to think about going in for the kiss.  Of course, to be REALLY sure that she wants you to go for it, there are some more advanced signals that all of our V.I.Prince Members get to read about. 

You’ll get to read about this really cool way to look into her eyes and know EXACTLY how she feels about you… because it is science and there is no way for her to hide this reaction.  That is something I use on the first date and it is almost unfair because now I know exactly when a woman is really interested in me, which allows me to plan out my next move for the date. 

So V.I.Prince Members you’ll learn all about that eye technique, as well as another technique that will show you whether she is ready to kiss you RIGHT NOW by looking at her lips.  Her lips will give you the answer once you know what to look for. 

Oh and of course I will be explaining how to then go in and initiate the kiss – in a way that has zero risk because you will use her REACTION to a subtle move I’ll teach you, in order to go through with the kiss or pull back with ZERO embarrassment. 

Keep improving,


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