Free Video Tips
Helping Men Reclaim Their Power in the Dating Game

Make Her EARN a Date (text example) May 26, 2020

 Video Recap :  The more you make a woman 'earn' getting a date with you - the better the date will go (and the more respect she will have for you)

Long gone are the days of 'pursuing' and 'chasing' after women.

These days... she should play by your rules or she doesn't earn a...

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3 Reasons Women Flake on Men May 06, 2020

Video Recap : Women will flake out on you because she is bored of you, scared of you, or actually has a legit excuse 


The point of this video is to help you stop wasting time getting flaked on by women.

If you aren't getting obvious signs that she is interested in you, then she is...

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She Cares MORE When You Care LESS (text examples) Apr 30, 2020

Video Recap : Whoever 'cares more' is more invested in the conversation - and comes off as more desperate


One of the weird things about online dating is that as a man, you have to send the vibe you are NOT needy or desperate in order to get her to be curious about you.

A lot of men get so...

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Her Hypergamy DOESN'T CARE About Your Feelings Apr 16, 2020

Video Recap : It's crucial to understand 'hypergamy' and how it works with women.  If you don't - you will get screwed over by her biological instinct of hypergamy


This video is a big shoutout to Rollo Tomassi (author of The Rational Male) where I got this topic from.

Hypergamy is the...

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She Just Wants His MONEY Mar 31, 2020

 Video Recap : This woman wants her man to 'share' finances... the only problem is he makes 7 times the amount she does


How would you feel if you made 7 times the amount of money as your girlfriend and she demanded that you pool it together and spend it together?

That is the...

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Are Modern Relationships DOOMED? Mar 28, 2020

 Video Recap : It is terrible 'mainstream' relationships like this that corrupt our society and cultures idea of what a 'good relationship' looks like

Women will always be women. They are going to be influenced by society and our culture and FOLLOW the trends.

Unfortunately... our society...

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His Girlfriend CHEATED on Him Mar 25, 2020

 Video Recap : If she gives you any signs that she may be cheating or HAS cheated... it's time to break up with her

This video is going over a reddit post about a man who is worried that his girlfriend might be cheating on him.

Here is another classic example of 'Alpha Seeds' and 'Beta...

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Are ALL Women Like That? Mar 22, 2020

 Video Recap : Of course 'unicorns' exist... but the bottom line is all women can BECOME like that because of laws and how our culture and society shapes behavior


You have probably heard the term AWALT (all women are like that) or even NAWALT (NOT all women are like that).

Which of...

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How to deal with being SHAMED for being single Mar 19, 2020

 Video Recap : When you own it and are comfortable with your decision to remain a bachelor, the 'shaming' will cease to exist eventually


This video is in response to an email I got about how to deal with social and family pressure when you are a bachelor.

Although there are many tips...

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Does Her Past 'BodyCount' Matter? Mar 16, 2020

 Video Recap : Does the amount of men a woman has slept with MATTER?  Will it affect our relationship together?  The answer is YES

The question many men want to know... Does her past sexual history matter now?

This video will explore a reddit post and give some insights on the...

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